Sunday, October 19, 2008

Please Please Please

It's not just the name of a great song by James Brown (yes, he was high as a kite, but damn, what great hair), but it's what I'm begging for. I joined under a guy who quite frankly would have rather had sex with a sheep, then to treat the people in the service with respect. So please pick the right guy. Let me give you a hint of who I want, and he's on this page! Now, I can't in my official capacity as a United States Marine Staff Noncommisstioned Officer endorse a candidate, but as an American Citizen, I say I want the man who's worn the uniform and whose running mate can shoot a flea off a dogs ass at 300 yards. As Nicholson said "You want me on that wall", he also said "Here's Johnny" I don't know what this has to do with anything, but felt like Jack needed some airtime.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another Year of Hope........and a Kick in the Balls

Well guys, another year of the greatest game ever, baseball. As I type this posting, I'm wearing my Cubbies shirt which I am channeling. I've often looked at the Cubs as that real hot chick you hooked up with one summer, she breaks your heart in September (or if your the Cubs sometimes this will happen in June), and you swear to all that you hold dear that you'll never talk to or think about the skank again, but she calls you again the next year and there you are like a retard wearing a helmet happy to see a butterfly and your hooked again. I swear it's like the Cubs slip some GHB in my drink (ala Sebastian Janikowski) and take me home and hump me real quick like a 14 year old boy just learning how to flog his dolphin beating his meat puppet like it stole something from him, and they don't lube.

Bastards. I mean this year they've started early by not pitching, hitting, or fielding. Looks like my crush will be over by early May this year. Although we have signed the coolest player in Major League history, that's right Kosuke FUK-U-DO-ME, I mean with the Cubbies saying that line to me what chance to I have. But I know, I know, I'm going to be let down like the last episode of Seinfeld. Kind of like thinking your bedding a cover girl from Maxim Magazine and finding out her name is Jamal........Who's spent time in prison.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


What the hell is the problem with society? I tell you what, it's that damn disease called entitlement that's what. I work in a hospital where numerous individuals injured in combat are treated. Now I'm acknowledging that many of these young men are bonafide freakin heroes, but if there is one thing I've learned is that IED's do not discriminate. By this I mean that the worst type of individual can just as easily get blown up as the greatest Marine in the world. Sometimes I get sick and tired of a guy saying "I was in a blast, give me something". But to be honest with you, I can deal with that. Can't blame someone for asking right? But here's what really chapps my ass like a midwestern farm boy on vacation in the Castro disrict in San Fran, the damn family!!! A crack whore mother coming to visit her son, not for his well being, but because she can get her rent paid for if she's out here! WTF???? Damn where is the justice. I'm also sick of people telling me about how sad Katrina was. You know a damn hurricane is coming, get off your ass and RUN! Idiots. OK, that's my rant for today. I'll put some more thought into the next one, but I'm stuck at work while some lazy ass co-workers have gotten off at 1630, while I'm here till 2100 everynight doing his job cause he's lazy, incompetent, higher ranking and, wait for it, and entitled minority. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!